閃靈聲援西藏自由 名攝影師掌鏡 閃靈聲援西藏自由 名攝影師掌鏡 ■閃靈主唱Freddy特別邀請英國攝影師克里夫來台為西藏自由演唱會拍宣傳 小額信貸照。 (記者潘少棠攝) ■巴奈(左)一家人比出支持西藏自由的手勢 借貸。(台灣青年逆轉本部提供) ■鄭宜農露出笑容,支持西藏自由活動。(台灣青 住商房屋年逆轉本部提供) 記者陳慧玲/台北報導 台灣青年逆轉本部預計7月11日在台北舉行西藏自由音樂會, 房屋買賣特別邀請英國知名時尚攝影師克里夫艾若史密斯(Clive Arrowsmith)來台,幫參與演出歌手拍攝宣傳照,談到之前拍攝西藏精神?商務中心滼S達賴喇嘛,克里夫說:「看到達賴喇嘛態度親切,開心握著我的手一直笑,我當場落淚,邊哭邊拍照。」為國際巨星掌鏡 克里夫拍過不?住商房屋眳肊|影劇照片,他曾幫保羅麥卡尼拍照,還幫他設計唱片封面。另外他也拍過哈里遜福特、李察吉爾、麗芙泰勒、小野洋子等眾多巨星,為了支持西藏自由活動?太平洋房屋A他拍下歐美眾多支持西藏名人的照片,每個人都比出T字手勢,代表的是他所發起的「T for Tibet」行動。 閃靈主唱Freddy表示,剛開始和克里夫聯絡,他有點遲疑,有種「我又不認 好房網識你」的憂慮,後來Freddy把閃靈團長Doris登上FHM雜誌封面的照片寄給克里夫看,他很有意思,也把自己拍過的照片,同樣登上FHM的作品寄給Freddy看,克里夫昨還誇讚說:「Doris很漂亮!」與達賴 賣屋見面 長髮被安檢 這次克里夫來台,已幫閃靈、巴奈、鄭宜農、大支、濁水溪公社等演出歌手及參與藝人拍照,7月11日將在信義區新光三越香緹廣場舉行西藏自由音樂會。6月份也將率先推出「西藏自由」形象宣傳。 居酒屋  .

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          P90鐵道旁拍火車頭 為了火車 我買了P90  所以  火車看到我 會緊張 不 是火車看到了 我會緊張 今天 熱的像夏天 整?信用卡代償茪W午都在曬衣服  當時恨不得 家裡有100坪的空地 可以曬棉被 房屋買賣  但是下午 出門熱啊 想說來試拍火車好了 心想 剛好下午兩點 會有一列太魯 西裝閣號  拍過很多火車頭 再久我都願意等待 但是 我還是很緊張呢 又站在漆白色的空地上 整個光線 酒店工作好強啊 眼睛都看不清楚了 因為 進站的時間將近  換地點拍 肯定會錯過太魯閣號 於是 在手忙腳亂 心跳聲蹦蹦蹦 居酒屋的情況下  拍下了P90的第一張太魯閣號 有點失望 。。。。 但是 我會好好搞清楚 怎麼拍出美麗的火車頭 這是 我P90最大 借貸的心願 換個地方 繼續等 因為在我腦海裡的時刻表  太魯閣號之後 會有一列莒光號 想說 加減啦 練習練習拍 遠方 火燒山 整個下午  消防車?裝潢瑭n音 跟ㄅㄤˋ龍的鞭炮聲  響徹整個苗栗市呢 那座山 是公墓  客家人 元宵隔日 就是正月十六 是掃墓 所以 清除雜草 或是有人提早掃墓  風大 就燒了 而且 宜蘭民宿應該範圍滿大的 來了 好緊張的火車ㄛ  火車都在笑我 有新夥伴 還拿不穩  好了 今天 是有史以來 拍的最少的火車頭 兩顆。。。。 純粹試試看 這麼熱 我還是閃人好了 從今後出 票貼門 又要包得剩一雙眼睛囉 拍火車這件事 我會再接再厲的  只是 拍火車 鏡頭忽遠忽近頻繁  不知道P90的壽命 是否和S600一樣短呢 這樣 好捨不得呢 但是 為了火車頭 我還是豁出去 情趣用品了   .

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          台灣彊屍事件 台灣高雄縣也曾發生發現殭屍傳聞.大約在十幾年前,高雄五塊厝有一個私人的墓園,墓園陰?西服佽L比, 其中一面牆與牆邊的樹兩旁都掛 ARMANI滿了死貓,隔半公尺便有一隻 ,即使是白天經過,也會 房屋出租不寒而顫.有一陣子,當地在短時間內連續死了好幾個人,他們死因都不明, 酒店兼職但唯一的共同點是他們最近都到過那墓園. 於是當地人眾說紛紜,更傳出"他們的?禮服v子被殭屍踩到過,便會死" .由於事情越鬧越大,引來兩位道士的關切....那兩位道士追蹤到墓園中其?吳哥窟中@座墳墓有問題,便選定時間開棺,當天吸引了大批當地人前去觀看. 開棺的日子到了,在眾目睽睽之下,大家看到了殭屍的真 九份民宿面目.那屍體經久不腐化,而且頭髮,指甲還在繼續生長,眼睛半開. 這時其中一個道士為顯其功力,用他的右手往那殭屍頭上壓,想將他鎮住,怎料他 吳哥窟提起手時,那殭屍竟順著他的人氣,坐了起來! 這一幕所有在場的人都看到了!這時另一位道士見情況不妙,從袋中拿出一張符,貼到那殭屍的額頭,將他鎮住,並?酒肉朋友順?將他壓下去,吩咐旁人立即將他火化. .msgcontent .wsharing ul li { text-indent: 0; } 分享 Facebook Plurk YAHOO! 土地買賣  .

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          中山休閒農業區活動資訊~綠茶香、水牛夯 活力?放在蘭陽~相約中山賞柚花、喝茶、尋牛蹤~   今(98)年是牛年,與水牛有深厚淵源的中山休閒農業區與綠色博覽會(3/21~5/10)合作,要為中山 賣屋再添十八隻水牛;於綠博舉辦期間進行公開投票與線上投票,選出一、二、三名及佳作頒發獎金與獎狀,詳情請看綠色博覽會「 禮服藝術?牛線上投票」http://igreen.e-land.gov.tw/2009/。藝術水牛們將於綠博結束後回到中山休閒農業區,配合「水牛回家妝點我家—diy居家 酒店工作綠美化創意競賽活動」做常態性展出,詳情請洽中山休閒農業區旅遊服務中心,(03)958-7010。   由於中山休閒農業區位於宜蘭縣冬山河上游,早期新舊寮溪 591常因一場大雨就洪泛成災,經多年整治後,洪患不再,然而溪床牧草生長快速,常阻礙水流通暢,因此居民想出了用放牛吃草的環保生態方法──『牽牛入宅放牛吃草』。這個『 房屋二胎省錢、景觀、生態、教育、休閒』五贏的聰明作法,也讓中山休閒農業區獲得了行政院農業委員會於第三屆全國休閒園區設施創意大賽中的冠軍榮耀。   除了成為特色景觀之一的水牛外,中山休?591ⅠA業區還精心準備了一連串的活動,在經濟部中小企業處大力推動下,由資策會協助中山推出「柚花季心動方案」,3月起到6月底,從柚花季、綠色博覽會到茶季,充滿好吃、好聞、好看、好玩的行程就等著民眾閤 好房網家光臨;為了讓大家能夠玩得盡興,中山的民宿業者更推出優惠大放送,凡上網http://cluster.org.tw/event/20090316下載折價卷,即可以「4人同行2,500元」的超低價入住中山溫暖的優質民宿,還能享受業者提供的多樣優惠。   帛琉 接續柚花季之後,中山的茶農們馬上喜迎茶季到來,每年4-11月是中山休閒農業區的茶季,全台唯一的平地茶園區種出的素馨茶是中山特產之一,經由業者們的巧思,變化出多元的成品,從全套茶餐、製茶體驗到特有的綠茶酥、綠茶龍鬚糖,都是好吃又 房屋貸款好玩的體驗活動。在4-5月間前往中山住宿的遊客更可得到免費的夜間製茶導覽,這樣難得的體驗,最適合全家大小一起前往,錯過絕對可惜! 【新聞聯絡人】 中山休閒農業區旅遊服務中心 Tel:(03)958-7010 資策會產業支援處 林佳欣 Tel:(03) 9 婚禮佈置57-7576  .

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          鴨稻農園 二城學童紮稻草人 二城國小學童學種稻並在稻田裡養鴨,鴨吃害 蟲,排泄物變有機肥,稻熟鴨也肥了。 二城國小學童傳 賣屋承農民智慧,稻鴨共育,鴨的排泄物變有機肥,田間害蟲成鴨子 花蓮民宿營養品,稻熟了,鴨也肥了。學童昨天紮稻草人站衛兵,守護這片鴨稻農園, 網路行銷下個月要慶豐收。 「原本還是掌上型小鴨鴨,現在重到快抱不動了。」二城國小校園邊一塊600坪水田 信用貸款,地主無償提供給學童種稻,成為戶外農事教室,頭城鎮農會輔導學童種植「禾鴨米」,鴨稻共育,經過3個月耕耘 景觀設計,稻熟鴨肥。 為避免禾鴨米遭鳥害,學童們昨天紮稻草人當田間衛兵,鎮農會讓他們發揮創意,先來一場稻草人選美,學童為自己稻 系統傢俱草人精心打扮,有的變快樂的小姐,有的變白雪公主,有的是小丑,有的斗笠小子,還有台客精神的黑衣殺手等,各有特色。票選結果,由蔡明蓉、 酒店經紀楊家昕、張婉琦等創作的「小丑稻草人」勝出。 學童隨後把稻草人安插在稻田裡,發現放養在稻田裡約2到3個禮拜大的小小土番鴨,現在可都是又肥又大,最大的已 酒店打工達2.5台斤重,這些鴨子住在田邊鴨寮裡,白天在稻田裡走動覓食,吃田螺、昆蟲、雜草,牠們的排泄物成了稻子肥料。 鎮農會總幹事謝美玲說,稻鴨共育是種自然農法,所生產的稻米 術後面膜稱為「禾鴨米」,下個月收成後,將分裝小包裝,分送給每名參與種稻的學童及宜蘭家扶中心受助家庭分享,與稻子一起成長與成熟的土番鴨也會料理後提供品嘗,共慶豐收。 轉載自【2008/06/28 聯合 酒店打工報】  .

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          蘭陽首選勁好米 最好禮 宜蘭人常說「勁」好吃,宜蘭縣政府選用蘭陽平原特有的台語口音,推出「蘭 系統傢俱陽首選勁好米」,當成高檔宜 酒店經紀蘭米的行銷品牌。 品牌行銷 縣長代言 「蘭陽首 燒烤選勁好米」品質好,價錢也不便宜,1盒2公斤裝,要價400元,每 面膜公斤200元,是一般市售白米的5倍價,縣府農業處認為,「蘭陽首選勁好米」所用的白?租房子怴A不僅是比賽得獎米,且經嚴選包裝,這樣的價格並不算貴。 宜蘭縣的稻米有多種品牌,行銷工作各 新成屋唱各的調,縣府最近申請註冊商標,用「蘭陽首選勁好米」當成對外宣傳的品牌名稱,縣長呂國華昨天到五結鄉農會,與鄉 訂做禮服農會總幹事李林欽等人,一起為「蘭陽首選勁好米」代言。 前5名好米 包裝禮盒 縣府將從五結、冬山、員山鄉3地的稻米評鑑比賽中?裝潢A分別挑選前5名的得獎米,湊足2萬公斤白米,再加以混合包裝成2公斤裝禮盒,今年限量1萬盒。 呂國華說,「蘭陽首選勁好米」擁有精美包裝設計,可當作伴手禮 會場佈置或新人訂婚禮盒,也是中秋送禮的好選擇。 中秋節前上市 「蘭陽首選勁好米」委由五結鄉農會包裝製作,預計在中秋節前上市,即日起接受預購,洽詢電話:0800501161。 酒店兼職  .

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          三商銀:台股還有5,000億入市 因﹝1﹞遺贈稅率調降﹝2﹞兩岸關係和緩,促使台商資金鮭魚返鄉 工商時報 孫彬訓/台北報導 台灣股市從去年11月底部3,955點起漲,一路走高到4月?東森房屋怜狙?,071點,漲幅高達53.5%,究竟這波資金能量有多少?從何而來?一直沒有 台灣房屋完整的估算與揭露。對金流動向長期關注的三商銀,近日提供內部參考文件指稱,這波資金行情,是由台商資?看房子鷘D魚返鄉三大因素,交織而成,可以「完美風暴(Perfect Storm)」形容,研判匯進來的規模5,000億元起跳,後續也還有5,000億元準備 新成屋接棒演出。 對於還有5,000億元等著排隊回台的部份,三商銀在報告中強調,更聚焦在二大因素上,一是遺贈稅調降後續效應,讓過往必須「放」在海外的資金,可以大方 廬山住宿留在台灣。二是以往要買類中國的基金,必須到港星等地購買,隨著兩岸關係和緩,現在台灣投信投顧業也能提供相關商品。 來自三商銀內部的報告強調,此波資金行情完美風暴肇因有三,一是金融?廬山飯店S發生後,國人滯留海外的投資回流;二是遺贈稅率調降;三是兩岸關係和緩。 根據統計,去年11月底我國外匯存底2,806億美元,今年3月底外匯存底已高達3,001億美元,短短幾個月內,外匯存底增加近200億美 廬山溫泉元,折合有超過6,500億台幣的資金匯入國內,反映在國人的存款金額上,從去年11月底到今年2月底的增幅,也大致上是這個數字。這些新增的資金,大部分已流入股市,也有部分暫停泊在短期金融商品伺機搶進。 三商銀認為,三大 花蓮旅遊因素時間點配合的恰到好處,才會形成這次史上首見的資金回流大行情,一改由外資主導台股動向的趨勢。 也因此,台股自今年來的漲幅高達28%,僅次於中國大陸,不僅比歐美股市要強,在亞洲四小龍裡,也是獨占鰲頭。 三商銀高層主管指出,有?花蓮民宿^流潛能的台灣海外資金部位,應該高達4兆元以上,馬英九總統去年宣示,要讓台灣人能在台灣,買到各類的海外基金與投資商品以來,即開始有回流跡象。 據三商銀對於後續資金匯回的掌握,在政經情勢不變的情況下,後續也還有5,000億元資金,有匯回台灣的準備。 吉安民宿  .

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          10 大營養素:幫你抗老甩疲勞 10 大營養素:幫你抗老甩疲勞 營養素多不勝數,但其中有十大營養素是抗老化的關鍵,只要從日常飲食中均衡攝取,這十大營養素就是你身體健康的至寶!要素1 卵磷脂卵磷脂會在神經周圍形成保護髓鞘,讓神經延緩老化;此外,卵磷脂有助於腦部維持靈活,適時補充可改善失智症,還能行乳化作用清掃血管、預防血栓。人體的肝 臟本會製造卵磷脂,但隨著年老,製造 太平洋房屋效率越來越差,要靠另行補充。適量吃蛋黃、堅果類、深綠色蔬菜、胚芽、大豆等,可以得到補充。卵磷脂豐富食物:堅果、蛋黃、深綠色蔬菜、胚芽、大豆等。要素2 葉黃素天然類胡蘿蔔素的一種,為抗氧化物質,可保護細胞不受自由基傷害,對眼睛特別好,還能改善視網膜黃斑部病變。人體無法自行製造葉黃素,必須靠食物來補充 設計裝潢,可以多吃青花椰菜、菠菜、深綠色蔬菜、胡蘿蔔、甘藍等。葉黃素豐富食物:青花椰菜、菠菜、胡蘿蔔、甘藍等。要素3 大豆異黃酮被視為女性安度更年期的寶物,它可改善更年期的燥熱感和潮紅,還具有抗氧化特性,可抑制自由基、減少血中脂質過氧化物、降低膽固醇、預防癌症,對於骨質疏鬆也有改善功效,更能促進細胞更新,淡化皮膚細紋?信用卡代償C可適量吃大豆及其製品如豆漿、豆花等,無糖為佳;但痛風者少吃。大豆異黃酮食物:豆漿、豆花、豆腐等;但痛風者不宜。要素4 維生素B群維生素B群對於降低阿茲海默症的罹患率、讓大腦萎縮的速度變慢有良好的效果,還能維護視神經健康、防治白內障。維生素B2、B6和B12能預防高血壓,而 膽鹼、肌醇,與維生素B6能共同維持血液中正常的膽固醇濃度。包括全 面膜麥麵包、糙米、海帶、紅蘿蔔、包心菜、蕃茄、南瓜、萵苣、瘦肉、肝臟等,都是富含維生 素B群的食物。維生素B群豐富食物:全麥麵包、糙米、海帶、蕃茄、瘦肉等。要素5 OMEGA-3最強大的作用在於支持心臟健康,降低血脂,預防動脈粥樣硬化;並支持大腦保持年輕,抵抗阿茲海默症、憂鬱症和產後憂鬱症,對於乾眼症、氣喘、關節炎等疾病亦有療效。多吃鮭魚、鮪魚、鯖魚等深海魚類、 禮服魚油、海藻、亞麻籽油、芥花籽油等,都可獲得補充。OMEGA-3豐富食物:亞麻籽油、芥花籽油、深海魚、魚油。要素6 維生素C、E和β胡蘿蔔素這三種抗氧化物質的效果很強大,常協同作用——1.維生素C:可以保護細胞,防癌抗老並強化免疫力,多吃奇異果、梨、柚子、櫻桃、蕃茄等即可補充。2.維生素E:防治性能力衰退、預防老人斑、維持皮膚青春活力,並保護不飽和脂肪酸的氧化,延緩老化;多吃橄 關鍵字廣告欖油、小麥胚芽、豆莢、堅果、花椰菜、菠菜、蕃茄等可補充。3.胡蘿蔔素:對上皮組織、內臟、皮膚、末梢器官等處,可發揮抗氧化效果,多吃紅蘿蔔、甜椒、綠花椰菜、蕃茄、海菜、枸杞等即可補充。維生素C豐富食物:奇異果、梨子、柚子、櫻桃、蕃茄等。要素7 茄紅素很強的抗氧化物質,對於心血管疾病、攝護腺癌、子宮頸癌、骨質疏鬆、男性不孕症都有效果,還能有效預防紫外線對皮膚的傷害、增強身體的耐力 太平洋房屋。人體不會製造茄紅素,它屬於脂溶性,煮過的效果比生食還好;在蕃茄、紅葡萄柚、西瓜、芭樂、杏仁等食物中,都有茄紅素的蹤影。蕃茄怎樣吃最強身?茄紅素煮過的效果更好。要素8 酵素人體各種化學反應,每一種都得仰賴不同的酵素幫忙,而酵素就是「?」,它是一種有活性的蛋白質,主宰著代謝和排毒的功效。身體擁有越多種酵素,器官組織越 不容易被氧化,也就越不容易衰老。人體會合成酵素,不足時需從食物中獲取,包括木瓜、 術後面膜鳳梨、香蕉、芒果、花椰菜、甘藍等都有豐富的酵素。酵素豐富食物:木瓜、鳳梨、香蕉、芒果、花椰菜等。要素9 膳食纖維「膳食纖維」是繼醣、蛋白質、脂肪、維他命、礦物質之後,所新增的第六種人體必需營養素。它是環保高手,對於促進腸胃蠕動、排出有害物質、調整腸道生態、 延緩老化都很有幫助。從糙米、豆類、玉米、燕麥、海帶、木耳、金針菇、地瓜葉、蒟蒻、蘋果、葡萄柚、柳丁、西洋梨等食物,可以補充膳食纖維。膳食纖維豐富食物:糙米、 好房網玉米、地瓜葉、蒟蒻、柳丁等。要素10 膠原蛋白膠原蛋白有如細胞和細胞間的連接劑,讓皮膚充滿彈性。它可以活化細胞機能、淡化肌膚的細紋,還能提高免疫力去壓制癌細胞,同時阻止癌細胞轉移。富含膠原蛋白的食物包括魚皮、雞爪、蹄筋、豬腳、海參、大豆等。膠原蛋白豐富食物:魚皮、海參、大豆等,但勿過量。 James Tseng  .msgcontent .wsharing ul li { text-indent: 0; } 分享 Facebook Plurk YAHOO! 商務中心  .

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          Junta commander: Wa has Hobson’s choice United Wa State Army Junta commander: Wa has Hobson’s choice A senior Burma Army commander in Shan State East has recently commented, during 小額信貸 an informal meeting with businessmen in Kengtung, that war with the United Wa State Army (UWSA) was inevitable unless the l 室內設計atter complied with the former’s demands. 17 February 2009 By SHAN “The Wa need to either surrender or become a local militia force under 關鍵字行銷 the Defense Services,” he said. The Army has been displaying its newly acquired howitzers and armored personnel carriers (APCs) around Mongton and Monghs 長灘島at townships, where Wa units are stationed, opposite Chiangmai province, according to a young businessman engaging in cross border trade. He refused to reveal the command 房屋貸款er’s identity fearing backlash. At least 15 105-mm howitzers were already in Monghsat the year before. 40 more, of a smaller caliber, arrived in January. “They could be 76.2 mm ( 保濕面膜2 in),” said a Thai security official. “But the report didn’t give us the particulars.” The maximum range of the “3 inchers,” as the 76 mm model is known to some, has 13.29 km (8.25 mile) maximum 房屋貸款range. The Burma Army has been reinforcing and replenishing its forces facing the UWSA and its ally National Democratic Alliance Army (NDAA) in Mongla since late last year. “An unconfirmed report says LIDs (Light infa 結婚西裝ntry Divisions) 66 ( from Innma) and 88 (from Magwe) have arrived in Shan State,” said an NDAA officer. The pressure on the UWSA and NDAA, compared to other ceasefire groups particularly the Shan State Army (SSA) North, has been 酒肉朋友 on the upsurge. An SSA North officer, in response to SHAN inquiry, said, “Maybe the generals (of the Burma Army) believe if the UWSA gives in, others like us will follow suit.” Burma Army National Democratic Alliance Army Shan State Army North 永慶房屋  .

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          新聞週報 Weekly Diary, No. 242 (17 – 23 March 2007) Weekly Diary, No. 242 (17 – 23 March 2007) SOLAR ECLIPSE SPELLS BAD OMEN! H5N1 CONTINUES HAVOC! CROSS-BORDER ATTACK, NO APOLOGIES! CHIANGMAI OUT OF HEAVY HAZE!Think PieceIf you don't stand for something, you'll fall for something. African proverb, Saying and Words of Wisdom in English, Chulalongkorn University Press (2005)The World17 March 2007The number of people 60 years of age and older may triple to two billion by 2050, accounting for nearly a quarter of the expected 9.2 billion global population, says a UN report. Most of the population growth and youth in the world is expected to come from poorer nations. (Reuters/ Bangkok Post) 19 March 2007Solar eclipse. 19 March 2007 The United States mark 4th anniversary of the Iraq War. It has killed 3,220 US troops, tens of thousands of Iraqis and cost $ 500 billions. (AFP/AP)International Relations19 March 2007Subhash Chandra BoseAung San Suu Kyi presented with 100,000 rupee Netaji Subhas Award in Kolkata today. The prize, created in honor of Subhash Chandra Bose, is received by NLD exile Ramjeet Verma. (Mizzima) 20 March 2007PM Soe WinPM Soe Win, suspected mastermind of Depayin massacre, has been in Singapore before the end of February. "He is here for medical reasons," say 永慶房屋s an embassy official and is being treated at the Singapore General Hospital. (AFP) 21 March 2007The hearing of witnesses in the trial of 34 ethnic Burmese rebels begins in City Kolkata's Sessions Court. The first witness, R.S. Dhankar filed the first complained to the police on 18 February 1998 following arrest of the rebels. He has nor personal knowledge about the case and had filed the complaint only as per directions, says one of the defense lawyers. (Mizzima) 21 March 2007PM Soe Win, who arrived in Singapore late last month, is being treated at a public hospital for a "serious health matter", says a Burmese embassy official. He is suspected of suffering from leukemia and has asked for retirement. (AP) 22 March 2007Ibrahim GambariUN Secretary General has stated that he would like to use Ibrahim Gambari's experience to help the Burmese people to democratize their systems, reports VOA Burmese section. (Narinjara) 22 March 2007 Shwe Gas Movement is staging a protest against Daewoo and India in 20 countries on 26 March. (Narinjara)Thai-Burma Relations17 March 2007No matter how hard the Thai armed forces try to build up closer relations with its Burmese counterpart, the latter has been busy stirring up anti-Thai sentimen 租房子ts among its units each day: On 18 January, the Thai Armed Forces Day, The Legend of King Naresuan, the movie about the Thai King who rebelled against Burma, was shown around the country. At the dinner party hosted by the Thai supreme commander that evening, General Tamalabaw (KNU, Col Yawdserk (SSA) and Nai Htow Mon (NMSP) were invited. The 2001 showing of Bang Rajan, a movie about villagers who fought against Ava, coincided with the Thai-Burma military confrontation. All units along the border therefore should place themselves in a state of readiness at this time. (NDD) SSA has denied the allegation – Editor 17 March 2007 Somjet Khantikul, a provincial labor official, says it has been agreed to impose a stricter enforcement measures on immigrant workers: ban on public gathering of more than 5 registration of mobile phones nighttime curfew starting at 10 pm Labor rights activist Sompong Sakaew urges caution on the implementation of certain measures eg. cell phones can be used to report abuses, seek help or others. He criticizes the government for suspending its policy on granting visas to the spouse and children of registered immigrant workers. (Bangkok Post) 19 March 2007Chiangmai and Maehongson declared disaster zones as the dus 商務中心t level exceeds 200 milligrammes per cubic meter in the two provinces and the number of people with respiratory problems soar. (Bangkok Post) Label for Chiangmai withdrawn on Friday – S.H.A.N. 21 March 2007The UNHCR which cares for Karen refugees living camp in Maehongson said it is planning to evacuate all staff if haze caused by forest fires is not brought under control. Dust level yesterday is measured at 340 microgrammes per cubic meter yesterday. (Bangkok Post) 21 March 2007Surprise cross-border attack by Burma Army kills 1 Thai paramilitary ranger. (Agencies) 22 March 2007Gen Sondhi Boonyaratglin Gen Sondhi Boonyaratglin, Army Commander, says the 21 March clash occurred through misunderstanding and Thailand will initially resort to the diplomatic approach to sort it out, as Thailand and Burma has friendly relations with each other. However, so far the Thai Army has yet to receive any apology from its counterpart. (The Manager Online) The Thai Army made an official protest to Burma following the incursion. (Irrawaddy)Politics/ Inside Burma15-16 March 2007CNF delegation meets junta delegation led by Lt-Col Min Htein, Northwestern Region Military Affairs Security, Maj Zaw Min Oo and Captain Soe Min at Reed "Trust building exercise," "Successful" "Positive" 澎湖民宿 are the words used by Dr Sui Khar. There will be another meeting, though the exact date has yet to be fixed. (Network Media Group/ Khonumtung) 16 March 2007Po Kan Kaung, former propagandist under Gen Khin Nyunt, is taking shelter with DKBA. (Mizzima) 16 March 2007Soe Myint Htein, 42, another 22 February protester, detained. 16 others who were detained earlier have been released. (Irrawaddy) 18 March 200760 activists on the latest campaign, White Sunday, that began on 11 March, blocked by 15-20 people in civilian clothing as they approach the home of political prisoner Myo Myint Zaw in Rangoon's Bahan township, says Pyone Cho, member of 88 Generation Students. (Irrawaddy) 19 March 200788 Generation Students, in response to 5 March arrest of Thwin Lin Aung who was leaving Rangoon for studies abroad, calls on the regime "to respect the right to education". No reason has been given for his arrest. (Irrawaddy) 19 March 2007Pu Cin Sian Thang, Chairman of Zomi National Congress, which won 2 seats in the 1990 elections in Chin State, taken to Paragu Clinic in downtown Rangoon after suffering from acute stomach-ache on 15 March. The doctor has advised ultrasound following which he decided on an operation. (Mizzima) 19 March 2007Shwe Mann Just as the power struggle among the ge 關鍵字廣告nerals continues, all of them are preparing to hold on to power. The ongoing power struggle is due to Gen Than Shwe's deteriorating health, who is known to be suffering from a collection of maladies: hypertension diabetes Suspected cancer of the pancreas Major heart operation in Singapore in April Maung Aye is ready to seize control of the country and resist immediate succession of Shwe Mann. A close confident of Gen Maung Aye says, "The fruit is almost ripe". He is in control of all day-to-day activities of the government. Shwe Mann's best option is to lie low and wait or share the same fate as Khin Nyunt by trying to do much. (Bangkok Post) 21 March 2007Soothsayers in Burma are interpreting 19 March solar eclipse as a bad omen predicting "the fall of the mighty". One traditional Thingyansar New Year prediction meanwhile foresees good times ahead: a booming economy and trade, a thriving agricultural sector and happy times for the people. Another forecasts a harbinger of terror. (Irrawaddy) 22 March 2007The junta is planning La Lay Lone (4Ls) operation against graft, vehicles without license, violations of traffic rules and human trafficking. (Independent Mon News Agency) 22 March 2007Htin Kyaw, 44, shouting slogans calling for religious freedom in front of a busy market ta 西裝外套ken away by the police. He has been unhappy for not being permitted to be ordained as a monk. This is the 4th time he has been detained: first time, on 22 February, second time, on 6 March and third time, on 8 March. (AP) 22 March 2007 The regime is likely to increase the salaries of government employees by about K 20,000 ($ 15.5) from April. Employees fear all commodity prices will rise with the salaries. (Khonumthung)Shans/ Shan State22 March 2007Sao Seng Suk Shan youths hold birthday celebrations for Sao Seng Suk, who turns 72 birthday. (S.H.A.N.)Economy/ Business16 March 2007Serge PunYoma, a Singapore listed company owned by Serge Pun, is planning to plant up to 100 million Jathropha bushes on 100,000 acres of land in the Irrawaddy valley. It has acquired the land for $ 6 million. (Irrawaddy) 17 March 2007New Light of Myanmar says Myanmar Oil and Gas Enterprise (MOGE) has signed a contract with Russia's Silver Wave Sputnik Petroleum and Singapore's Silver Wave Energy for joint exploration of inland oil and gas in Ziphyutaung-Nandaw region in the northwest. (AFP) 18 March 2007MKone, the high street value fashion store, has withdrawn a range of Made in Myanmar clothes. (The Observer) March 2007 There are about 1.8 million migrant workers employed legally in Malaysia and another 700,000 with 澎湖民宿out legal papers. Among them are about 200,000 with legal status and another 300,000 working illegally, according to Federation of Trade Unions Burma (FTUB). (Irrawaddy) 21 March 2007Burma told an Indian delegation last week that it wants to sell gas from off-shore block A-1 and block A-3 to China. This is in spite of the proximity of gas pipeline to India (290km). With China it will be 900km. (PTI News Agency) 21 March 2007 China is about to buy all natural gas in Burma's offshore area which may deal a blow to South Korea's hopes of securing one more direct energy import source. (DPA)Human Rights16 March 2007Land confiscation remains a problem in Burma, says Aye Myint, labor lawyer, who maintains to have more than 600 cases"on my hands, most of which are confiscations by authorities." He was sentenced to death for communicating with the ILO but freed July last year after serving one year in Pegu prison. He and six other lawyers recently announced formation of Guiding Star which monitors rights abuses in Burma. (Irrawaddy) 20 March 2007 Two Human Rights Defenders and Promoters (HRDP), Kyaw Kyaw Oo and Kyaw Swe, arrested for distributing the UN Declaration of Human Rights pamphlets in Prome. The police are violating Articles 1 and 30 by arresting them, says HRDP member Myint Aye. (Irrawaddy) Both are released 褐藻醣膠in the same day, after warning them not to continue with the distribution. (Mizzima)Environment16 March 2007There has been no warning about the new outbreak of bird flu or health awareness programs in Mon State. As a result, there is no change in chicken eating habits in villages where the price has increased from 4,000 kyat to 4,500 kyat ($ 3-3.5). (Independent Mon News Agency) 20 March 2007Burma slaughtered more than 1,000 chickens, 17-19 March, in Hmawbi, 20 miles north of Rangoon, says a livestock department official. This is the fifth such outbreak this year. (AFP) 21 March 2007 FAO has urged Burma to impose more stringent measures to control the spread of H5N1 virus. About 1,600 chickens dies during the weekend at Nyaunghnapin, Hmawby township, resulting in slaughter of the farm's remaining 20,700 birds as a precautionary measure, says Tang Zang Ping, FAO's representative for Burma. (AP)Drugs15 March 2007 The number of users among local oil well workers on the Myitta river, Kalemyo township, Sagaing division, is on the rise. Owners who give a huge amount of money to military authorities are selling drugs freely among the workers, sometimes on credit. Some addicts although they can earn as much as K 3,000 ($ 2.3) per day and K 50,000 ($ 38.5) per month are unable to draw their salaries by the end of the month. (Khonumthung) 太平洋房屋War15 March 200714 officials including Daewoo International President Lee Tae-yong, indicted on charge of exporting defense equipment production facilities and weapons technology to Burma in violation of the law on exports of strategic goods, go to trial in Seoul. (Burma Lawyers Council) 18 March 2007700 villagers affected by the ongoing battle in KNU 6th Brigade area hold a demonstration demanding all armed groups involved to put a stop to the fighting. (Network Media Group) 19 March 2007Bangladesh Rifles recovers 26 live land mines in Nakhongsari township, opposite Maungdaw, but declines to disclose the name of the group concerned. (Narinjara) 21 March 2007Dictator Watch (www.dictatorwatch.org) has posted what it claims are satellite images of a uranium mine and refinery, 23 km from Mandalay on the Myitnge river. The complex is producing "yellow cake", an immediate material in the processing of uranium ore. The refinery is similar to the Ranger Uranium Treatment Plant in Australia. Visible smokestacks are also similar to those at the Yongbyon reactor in North Korea. (Bangkok Post)23 March 2007 The meeting between KNU and DKBA, organized by Thai authorities at Waley, Umphang district, Tak province, agree to stop the fighting between the two rival groups. (Network Media Group)http://www.shanland.org/weeklydiary/242/weekly-diary-no-242-17-2013-23-march-2 租房子007  .

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